MONDAY – Men’s Day – $30 Lift Ticket. Purchase online or in person. Men’s Day ticket is valid for men 18 and over only. YOU MUST ARRIVE TO PICK UP YOUR TICKET BEFORE 3PM. Ticket is then valid until close. Anyone who purchases a Men’s Day ticket who arrives after 3 PM will be charged the cost of the regular ticket. Starts Jan. 8, 2024 & excludes MLK Day & President’s Day. Choose SPECIALS for online booking.
THURSDAY – Ladies’ Day – $30 Lift Ticket. Purchase online or in person. Ladies Day ticket is valid for women 18 and over. YOU MUST ARRIVE TO PICK UP YOUR TICKET BEFORE 3PM. Ticket is then valid until close. Anyone who purchases a Ladies Day ticket who arrives after 3 PM will be charged the cost of the regular ticket. Starts Jan. 4, 2024. Choose SPECIALS for online booking.
MILITARY RATE $25 Lift Ticket, $10 Rentals, $20 Beginner Group Lessons. Book Online in Advance. Choose SPECIALS for online booking. Available Every Day including weekends & holidays – Military rate is valid for military immediate family only (spouse & children). MUST SHOW MILITARY ID TO PICK UP TICKETS – NO EXCEPTIONS! Choose SPECIALS for online booking.
THURSDAY – Student/College Night – $25 Lift Ticket $10 Rentals 4-9PM. Eligible for All Students 25 and younger – Student ID required for High School & College Students- No exceptions. Elementary & Middle School Students are not required to show ID. BOOK ONLINE IN ADVANCE – almost always sells out. Choose SPECIALS for online booking.
FRIDAY – DJ Skate Night! – Public Skating w/ a DJ! 7-8:30 PM DJ Tommy will take requests! Book Online in Advance! Choose SPECIALS for online booking.
SUNDAY – Family Skate 11:30 or 1:30 PM – $65 for 4 Public Skate Tix & 4 Skate Rentals! Choose SPECIALS for online booking.
Specials subject to change without notice.