Skiing Ability Chart

You must CLASSIFY YOURSELF for a specific skier type. Determining your skier type is your responsibility.

Your skier type, height, weight, age and ski boot sole length are used by the Spring Mountain rental shop to determine the release/retention of your ski bindings. Be sure to provide accurate information; any error may increase your risk of injury. You must indicate Type I, II, or III in the Ability section of the ski/snowboarding pre-numbered roster for use by the rental shop.

Type I
cautious skiing at lighter
release/retention settings
Type II
moderate skiing at average release/retention settings
Type III
aggresive skiing at higher
release/retention settings
• Ski Conservatively.
• Prefer Slower Speeds.
• Prefer Easy, Moderate Slopes.
• Favor Lower Than Average Release/Retention

This corresponds to an increased risk of inadvertent binding release in order to gain increased releasability in a fall.

Type I settings apply to "entry level skiers uncertain of their classification"
• Ski Moderately.
• Prefer a Variety of Speeds.
• Ski on Varied Terrain, Including Most Difficult Trails.
• Are All Skiers Who Do Not Meet All of the Descriptions of Either Type I or Type III.
• Ski Aggresively.
• Normally Ski at High Speeds.
• Prefer Steeper and More Challenging Terrain.
• Favor Higher than Average Release/Retention Settings.

This corresponds to decreased releasability in a fall in order to gain a decreased risk of inadvertent binding release.

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